Two Teen Males Arrested After Being Stopped on Stolen Motorcycle

Thu, 2020-01-02

At 11:45 pm on Tuesday 31-Dec-2019, police officers were on duty when they spotted a motorcycle with two males driving west along Front Street.

Officers observed the rider and his pillion passenger were wearing gloves and masks pulled up on their faces.

Checks revealed the motorcycle was reported as having been taken without the owner’s consent.

Police stopped the bike and the fifteen year-old rider ran off.

He was pursued and arrested along with the fourteen year-old passenger.

Both were detained and later bailed.


At 2:06 am on Wednesday 1-Jan-2020, police officers were on mobile patrol when they observed a male riding motor cycle without lights on St. John's Road, Pembroke.

Officers stopped the rider and a subsequent search, carried out under the Misuse of Drugs Act, resulted in the discovery of multiple clear plastic twists containing what is believed to be a controlled drug.

The suspect was arrested for possession with intent to supply as well as a number of apprehension warrants.