Daily Report 13-Jul-2020

Mon, 2020-07-20

Firearms incident

At around 11:20 pm on Friday 10th July, police responded to reports of gunshots in the Rockywold Drive area of Sandys Parish. Police quickly established that two males were seen walking through the area shortly before shouting was heard, followed by what are believed to be three gunshots. 

Although all of the circumstances are not totally clear, there appears to have been a confrontation between a number of males. A man was seen running away from the area, followed shortly thereafter by two males speeding away on a motorcycle.

An area resident subsequently reported that what they believed to be a spent round from a discharged firearm had pierced their living room window and was lodged in a wall in their living room. 

Officers from the Forensic Support Unit attended the scene and were able to confirm that a firearm had been discharged. 

A full investigation has been commenced into this shooting incident which as stated earlier appears to be as a result of feuding between a group of unknown males. Police uniform officers performed reassurance patrols in the area throughout Saturday and Sunday.

Antoine Daniels Assistant Commissioner of Police – Crime – strongly condemned the actions of those responsible for this incident.