Tuesday, 1st October 2024 – The Bermuda Police Service (BPS), in partnership with Hamilton Princess, is excited to re-launch the BPS Bermuda Sports Superstars cards series!
Originally introduced in the 1980s and released approximately every 10 years, these sports cards feature notable local athletes from a variety of sports, with inspiring personal quotes. The 2024 series features Bermuda Sports Legends as well as Superstars.
The aim of this initiative, which continues with today’s 1st October 2024 launch, is to engage Bermuda’s young people through local sporting heroes, while promoting positive interactions between our youth and police officers.
Hamilton Princess and the Green family approached the BPS with the idea of reintroducing the Bermuda Sports Superstars cards. They were keen to assist with not only producing the sports cards, but modernising them.
While primary and middle school students are the main focus of this community outreach, any young person interested in collecting the sports cards is more than welcome to engage with a police officer or visit any police station to start their collection.
Over the next two weeks, uniformed officers will be attending school assemblies to promote the initiative and hand out cards to school-selected students.
Officers will also visit schools during lunch breaks, youth community centres, and other youth gathering spots, fostering positive interactions while distributing the cards.
We encourage our youth to actively seek out police officers throughout the island to collect all 44 cards, which will be released between October 2024 and May 2025.
A new set of six cards will be introduced each month, adding an element of discovery and excitement, motivating our youth to engage with police officers in a positive way.
The first cards are now available for collection at Hamilton Police Station, with Somerset, and Southside Police Stations scheduled to follow soon.
Stay tuned to BPS social media (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter/X) for the latest updates!
Tuesday, 5th November 2024 - The eagerly anticipated next set of Bermuda Police Service (BPS) Bermuda Sports Superstars Cards are now officially released!
This month’s set of six Superstars (three women and three men), features (in no particular order):
The late Marco Warren (Football)
Ebonie Cox (Golf)
BPS Constable Dennis Joell (Bowling)
Caitlin Conyers (Cycling)
Bernard Wade III (Archery)
Talia Iris (Martial Arts)
Officially launched 1st October 2024, the first set of six highlighted three Legends and three Superstars.
Produced in partnership with Hamilton Princess, these sports cards are scheduled to be released in limited batches monthly, until all 44 are available in May 2025.
Our youth are encouraged to actively seek out police officers throughout the island for an opportunity to receive one of the latest collectible cards!
Students may also collect one of the 12 inspiring sports cards released to date at any police station (Hamilton, Somerset and Southside).
Follow BPS social media (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter/X) to see which local sporting heroes are next!
Tuesday, 3rd December 2024 - The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) and Hamilton Princess are excited to announce that December’s Bermuda Sports Superstars Cards have been officially released! This month’s set of six Superstars (two women and four men), features (in no particular order):
Rockal Evans (Sailing)
Delray Rawlins (Cricket)
Micah Lambert (Tennis)
Bridget Marshall (Tennis)
Alshauntae Symons (Bowling)
Kristopher Trott (Track & Field)
With the annual observance of the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities held on 3rd December each year, Superstars Micah Lambert, Bridget Marshall, Alshauntae Symons and Kris Trott join Legend Jessica Lewis as the first Special Olympics athletes and first Paralympic athlete respectively to be highlighted in the history of this local card series, dating back to the original set circulated in 1986.
In partnership with Hamilton Princess, a total of 18 new collectible sports cards have been released since 1st October 2024, with fresh cards scheduled to be distributed in limited batches monthly, until all 44 are available in May 2025.
As part of this youth focused initiative, several schools across the island have already held special assemblies with police officers as guest speakers, as well as athletes sharing personal stories of perseverance, with more planned before the end of this school term.
In addition to these prearranged school visits, our youth are encouraged to actively seek out police officers on patrol throughout the island for an opportunity, through positive interaction or engagement, to receive one of the latest collectible sports cards!
Students may also collect one of the 18 inspiring sports cards released to date at any police station (Hamilton, Somerset and Southside).
Which local sporting heroes are next? Follow BPS social media (Facebook, Instagram & X/Twitter) to find out!
Monday, 6th January 2025 - The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) and Hamilton Princess & Beach Club are excited to confirm that with January’s release, over half of the 44 Bermuda Legends and Superstars sports cards have been officially revealed!
This month’s set of six includes Legends and Superstars (two men and four women), featuring (in no particular order):
Clarence Parfitt (Cricket) Legend
Clarence “Nicky” Saunders (Track & Field) Legend
Erica Hawley (Triathlon) Superstar
Amanda Swan (Rugby) Superstar
Dominique Richardson (Netball) Superstar
Emma Harvey (Swimming) Superstar
All 44 Legends and Superstars sports cards feature the local athlete’s name, photo and sport on the front, while the reverse side provides a synopsis of their notable sporting achievements, as well as a personal quote.
There are only 11 Legends sports cards in total and 33 Superstars sports cards in total, for this 2024-2025 series.
Thanks to the partnership with Hamilton Princess, a total of 24 collectible sports cards have been released since 1st October 2024, with fresh cards scheduled to be distributed in limited batches monthly, until all 44 are available in May 2025.
Our youth are encouraged to actively seek out police officers on patrol throughout the island for an opportunity, through positive interaction or engagement, to receive one of the latest collectible sports cards!
Students may also collect one of the 24 inspiring sports cards released to date at any police station (Hamilton, Somerset and Southside).
Who are the remaining local sporting heroes to be unveiled? Follow BPS social media (Facebook, Instagram & X/Twitter) to find out!
Monday, 3rd February 2025 - Proving popular with many young people and even some adults, the 2024-2025 Bermuda Legends & Superstars sports cards – released by the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) in cooperation with Hamilton Princess & Beach Club – serve to celebrate and connect local athletes with our youth, while encouraging positive youth, police interactions. This month’s set of six includes one woman and five men, featuring (in no particular order)
BPS Constable Terry-Lynn Paynter (Track & Field, Football, Cricket & Softball) Legend
Jay Donawa (Running) Superstar
Janeiro Tucker (Cricket) Superstar
Micah Franklin (Squash) Superstar
Tashon DeSilva (Rugby) Superstar
Dominique Mayho (Cycling) Superstar
Thanks to the partnership with Hamilton Princess, a total of 30 collectible sports cards have been released since 1st October 2024, with the final three card sets scheduled to be distributed in March, April and May 2025.
With February’s release, six Legends & 24 Superstars have been revealed to date, leaving only five Legends and nine Superstars to be unveiled for this 2024-2025 sports cards series.
All 44 Legends and Superstars sports cards feature the local athlete’s name, photo and sport on the front, while the reverse side provides a synopsis of their notable sporting achievements, as well as a personal quote.
Our youth are encouraged to actively seek out police officers on patrol throughout the island for an opportunity, through positive interaction or engagement, to receive one of the latest collectible sports cards!
Students may also collect one of the 30 inspiring sports cards released to date at any police station (Hamilton, Somerset and Southside). However, please note that some cards may no longer be available.
Who are the remaining 14 local sporting heroes to be unveiled? Follow BPS social media (Facebook, Instagram & X/Twitter) to find out!