At 6:20pm on Monday, Police attended a reported burglary at a Mount Hill, Pembroke residence. On arrival officers spoke with the complainant who stated that sometime between 8:15am and 5pm that day, an unknown culprit gained entry into her home while she was away from the premises. The culprit stole U.S. $1,300 in cash. Inquiries into this incident are underway.
Advisory - Con Artists
The Bermuda Police Service is advising all residents, especially senior citizens, to be wary of individuals offering to do jobs around the house and asking for payment in advance or offering to do something for nothing. Ask to see the individual's identification if they are inquiring about doing work around your home and obtain their name and a contact number, so that their intentions can be verified. For more information on how to protect yourself against con artists, click here. Senior citizens are also encouraged to contact Age Concern or the Consumer Affairs Department with any concerns they may have.
Advisory - Illegal Parking
The Bermuda Police Service has also noticed a rise in motorists parking cars illegally throughout the island - in bus lay bys, on sidewalks and on double yellow lines etc. We are advising the motoring public that any vehicles found parked illegally will be ticketed.