
Mon, 2007-02-12

At 8:45pm on Monday, Police attended a reported burglary at a Sanz Lane, Paget residence. On arrival officers spoke with the complainant who stated that sometime between 9pm on Tuesday, February 6 and 8:20pm on Monday, February 12, 2007 an unknown culprit gained entry into the home. The culprit stole a quantity of jewelry. Inquiries into this incident are underway.

Around 8:50am on Monday, Police received a report of a burglary at a Sandy's parish guest property. The complainant, who is a visitor to the island, stated that sometime between 1am and 6am that day, an unknown culprit gained entry into his room. The culprit stole a quantity of cash and personal items. Inquiries into this incident are underway.


The Bermuda Police Service has noticed an increase in the number of stolen cycles which have been left unlocked as well as thefts from vehicles and homes which have been left insecure. For instance, individuals have left cars unlocked with the keys in them and doors and windows of homes insecure. Police are advising the public to decrease their chances of becoming a victim by locking and securing their homes and vehicles when leaving them unattended, even for short periods of time. In addition, valuables should not be left in vehicles or out in the open at home; ideally they should be secured in a safe. For more information on how to secure your home, click here.