
Mon, 2008-09-15


Police would like to remind truck and van operators to be mindful whilst driving on the roads of Bermuda.

  • Obey speed limits: there are growing reports of trucks/buses/vans speeding on the roads of Bermuda. Some of these vehicles have loads on board and cause other vehicles to take evasive action.
  • Ensure that when trucks/vans are unloading they do so in safe and approved loading zones. Putting on your hazard lights is not enough. Do not park and unload on yellow lines or on blind corners.
  • Do not erect cones and barriers to save loading zones unless you have specific approval from the relevant agencies to do so. This is a practice that is taking place in the City of Hamilton.
  • If carrying a load in an open back truck please ensure that the load is fully covered and no debris e.g. sand or rubble can escape causing a potential obstruction to other motorists.
  • Please ensure that drivers adhere to all restrictions that exist for the vehicles they are responsible for driving. This includes times and roads that are off limits.

Police will be especially vigilant for offenders. Remember to be forewarned is to be forearmed.